Aquarius Yearly horoscope 2022 – Predictions – Alinda Kanaki !



1 Jan. 2022 Transit Saturn from 1s house

The next time will mean a new internal development principle. Perhaps you will experience difficulties, but you will also gain valuable experiences through the introspection and the study of your inner world. It is not time to start a job that takes a long time to finish, but you will be required to de facto carry out obligations that you have created and are pending. It is also the best time for some psychoanalysis, to really learn yourself and to get rid of what bad you have gotten from others, to make your new self based on your own strengths and your own criteria.

 1 Jan. 2022 Transit Jupiter from 2n house

The next time characterized by Jupiter’s move to your second house, your interest will focus on what you regard as “value” and, of course, the material goods as well. Indeed, your finances are favored, in the sense that you will have opportunities to improve them, but beware of greed, on the one hand, and the tendency to waste. Do not be absorbed in the pursuit of improving finances and forget everything else, do not overwhelm your over-optimism and do poor management of them. Opportunities will be given to you but move in moderation.

1 Jan. 2022 Transit Uranus from 4t house

The passing of Uranus from your fourth house, which will last for about seven years, will mean upgrades and changes for you in the home and family. Changes may mean changes to your home, change of residence, or change of family dynamics. It is very likely that your relationship with your parents will change. All you can do is accept the changes with some philosophical mood and do not fight them. Whatever will be, will be. So do not regret it.

 9 May 2022 Transit Jupiter from 3r house

In the next time, everyday life becomes more interesting to you. Everyday experiences, comfort in your daily communications, the breadth of ideas, lead you to more trips, fuller information on every subject, and to organizing your everyday life to make it more comfortable. The true perception of what’s going on around you will mean some for you revisions, but also some new plans for the future. Finally, there will be more communication and understanding with relatives and neighbors, without excluding any benefit from them.

14 Dec. 2022 Transit Jupiter from 3r house

In the next time, everyday life becomes more interesting to you. Everyday experiences, comfort in your daily communications, the breadth of ideas, lead you to more trips, fuller information on every subject, and to organizing your everyday life to make it more comfortable. The true perception of what’s going on around you will mean some for you revisions, but also some new plans for the future. Finally, there will be more communication and understanding with relatives and neighbors, without excluding any benefit from them.



1 Jan. 2022 Transit Mars from 11t house

In the following period, you have to deal with politics, trade unions, or for the sake of the wider whole, not only yourself but in partnership with friends or within a group. It will be very useful for you to have support from others, and even people who have shared interests with you. You may experience reactions from those who do not understand your visions and goals and where they are oriented.

1 Jan. 2022 Transit Mercury from 12t house

The following period will highlight some secrecy and a certain tendency to isolate and flee. You will avoid the crowd and you will prefer your own “dream world”. The best way to deal with this time is, in my opinion, to resort to a teacher or spiritual instructor, or to read a book that will benefit you mentally. Beyond that, there are also charities that may have fed you the most.

1 Jan. 2022 Transit Venus from 12t house

The next time will be characterized by the willingness to offer your love to your loved ones or to the whole in general, through charitable organizations. Your sentimental life will also be characterized by the offer of a companion, which may not be worth it. Finally, it is no strange to have some hidden love affair, but it may disappoint you later.

1 Jan. 2022 Transit Sun from 12t house

In the following time, you will seek to improve your mental world on the one hand, and on the other hand some things from your subconscious tend to come to the surface. Maybe you are turning to study and engaging in metaphysical research or studies, you may feel attracted to some memories of the subconscious in emotional or psychological conflicts. However, now is the time to ripen what you have within you, to revise your stance and to delimit the present from the past and make a fresh start to progress and evolution.

20 Jan. 2022 Transit Sun from 1s house

Since today and for almost a month, it is time to deal with yourself and your own issues. You will find that your personality is stressed and the impression you will make to others will be proportional. Beware, however, because this may also create some arrogance for you, but it can also cause the reaction of others. Take care of your own issues and better alone, because the partnerships are not favored much this time.

24 Jan. 2022 Transit Mars from 12t house

In the following space, you should be on hand to avoid complications, machinations and slanders against you by some wise men. It will be a period of tension and mental upheaval, but better to engage in a psychological improvement book, rather than be dragged into conflicts and situations. Do not forget that after two months Mars enters the horoscope you, so it radically changed the climate. So patience.

18 Febr. 2022 Transit Sun from 2n house

In the following period and for about a month, you will deal with what you think is worth in your life. It may be material goods or perhaps spiritual possessions gained with your individual work and effort. Most likely, however, it’s all your attention to focusing on your financial issues, and there is hope to improve them, but there is a possibility that they may get worse if they are used for your personal show (impressive purchases, event organization, etc.).

6 Mars 2022 Transit Mars from 1s house

In the following period you will be characterized by irresistible power, self-confidence and freedom. You do not get tired of hard work to expand your interests or to claiming your rights, no matter if you are affected by your behavior. During this period, your ego and your personal freedom prevail. It would be better to divert some of your excess energy into sports or manual labor, with some caution to avoid an accident.

6 Mars 2022 Transit Venus from 1s house

The harmony that will exist in your interpersonal relationships will be intense and will prompt you to express to your loved ones all your good feelings. You are so calm and you are so lacking in any moody mood that you disarm and the most irritating. Your friends will dominate the pleasant climate. You can pursue professional or sentimental meetings, take a few moments to yourself, or to you want to make a gift to yourself. Your activities better be exhausted in pleasurable jobs. Unpleasant ones can wait.

5 Apr. 2022 Transit Venus from 2n house

The period that follows will be particularly favorable for your finances, but you will also have some moment of waste, especially if it concerns the acquisition of value objects. So improving your finances is a matter of good management. The weather is suitable for some expensive “investments”, from paintings or decorations of your home, until some new pieces of your wardrobe, which will stand out for their beauty. But beware that these markets should not exceed your financial capability.

15 Apr. 2022 Transit Mars from 2n house

The passing of Mars from your second house will highlight your material and emotional possessions. Both your finances will be heavily influenced, as you will tend to act impulsively in this area, your unnecessary shopping, and your emotions, where your tendency to spontaneously give everything, it may hurt you later and leave you a big gap. Be careful, therefore, show some restraint and avoid hasty decisions in these two areas.

20 Apr. 2022 Transit Sun from 4t house

In the following time, you will be dealing with your home and your family. Now you will stay longer at home, you will manifest some activities within it, some related issues are now time to resolve. You are most likely to get deeper into the house you, some return to your roots is possible. Perhaps after this time, you will review many things that will be related to home and family after some self-concentration and self-analysis.

21 May 2022 Transit Sun from 5t house

So it’s time for you to forget about the problems for a while and feel relaxed and carefree. The next month you deal with something creative, fun, if you have artistic interests you will have increased productivity, while children will also have a great deal of care. You will also feel the need to flirt, to fall in love, to taste life. Now the time would be appropriate for holidays.

25 May 2022 Transit Mars from 3r house

Watch out for the next time, because your militancy, your impatience and irritation can confront you with people you trade, or with relatives or neighbors. The multitasking of the days, the constant search and change, the eclecticism on some of your issues eventually complicates rather than solve your problems. I believe that some spiritual work would help some extinction, so that everything comes easier.

28 May 2022 Transit Venus from 4t house

The next time you will be willing to stay more at home, take care of it or spend more hours in a family atmosphere. You will be interested in decorating, arranging furniture, but do not be dragged into unnecessary markets that are related to them. Your relationships with parents are getting closer and you can hope for their sympathy. Beware of your diet. Count your calories because the extra pounds are lurking.

21 June 2022 Transit Sun from 6t house

And now it is time, after the fun to take a little care of your health, your diet, and your work, which you may have neglected. Now you can do some medical examinations, start a fitness program, or worry a bit more with “calories”. A feature of the days will also be to serve others, whether they are co-workers, customers or your close environment.

 23 June 2022 Transit Venus from 5t house

The next time will be a break in your life. Put aside the darkness and care and put bow for fun, entertainment and love. Your relationships will be characterized by beauty and lack of hypocrisy. Maybe some old relationship may be reheated or a new acquaintance may occur. Allow yourself to live these days, without, of course, reaching forbidding. Yet during this time your relationships with children become warmer, you will spend more time with them and you can adapt to their wishes. Finally, you can now express your artistic talent with new creations.

5 Julie 2022 Transit Mars from 4t house

The next two months are characterized as hard, as the passing of Mars from your fourth house will mean a stir of past situations, which of course can not be solved now. Only hard work at home or office will give some way out, but do not attempt to settle family or property issues. This period is not favorable. Try to control your behavior, avoid quarrels and pettinesses, because others are not willing to accept your behavior.

18 Julie 2022 Transit Venus from 6t house

Venus at your sixth house facilitates your relationships in the workplace. Although the practical side dominates and romance is missing, who captured the immediately preceding interval, however, this helps to improve performance and resolve the various issues related to the job. Some new acquaintance may occur within your workplace or with someone joining you in an employment relationship. Beware of your health and, above all, your diet.

22 Julie 2022 Transit Sun from 7t house

During the following period, you can review all kinds of partnerships, whether professional or social. You can weigh fairly the needs they meet and the gaps they leave. You dominate the spirit of righteousness and conscience in this period, so in the same spirit you will examine your relationship. In this endeavor, you will also need the opinion of a friend or partner who will be very helpful to you. The period is also appropriate to reconsider your marriage or a permanent relationship.

11 Aug. 2022 Transit Venus from 7t house

Over the next period and for about a month, partnerships and relationships, both sexual and professional, will be particularly favored. In love, maybe a new case or maybe some shaky relationship gets rejuvenated. In business relationships you will see a willingness to cooperate and resolve to avoid any rupture. Beware of your submissiveness, not to consider it as a weakness.

20 Aug. 2022 Transit Mars from 5t house

The following period is characterized by self-confidence and the desire to impose your personality. You feel that you are the center of the world and you are casting every fear or suspension. If you are involved in sports, this is the best time. It is not a good time to start new commercial activities because rush and excitement may not let you see the potential dangers. Also avoid gambling. But you can have fun, express your talents and enjoy the love that is now more important to you. Perhaps in this time a problem arises in your relationship with children, so beware of your behavior towards them.

23 Aug. 2022 Transit Sun from 8t house

Instead of being consumed with everyday life, keep your contact with your inner world and make the necessary revisions. It is time for new beginnings, for some rebirth. The finances associated with legacies, donations, some benefits you can claim, will also have the first say.

5 Sept. 2022 Transit Venus from 8t house

In the next period, your sex field will be highlighted, where the passion will dominate, the vigor of erotic desires, you will often overcome the limits, but also the jealousy and the possessiveness towards your partner. You may also learn some things about your partner that will affect your mood accordingly. In the financial sector you may be given a loan or an expensive gift, or your financial ability may improve thanks to your partner or an associate.

23 Sept. 2022 Transit Sun from 9t house

In the coming days you will be dealing with issues of higher education, obtaining a diploma, politics or religion. Not at all strange to make a distant journey, either staying for a while abroad where you will be given the opportunity to come in contact with a lot of people. However, get out of the daily routine for a while and deal with some new intellectual activities.

29 Sept. 2022 Transit Venus from 9t house

The passage of Venus from your ninth house turns your interest in the fields of art and spirit. Perhaps you can make a distant journey and see new places, other performances. Perhaps it is a good time for holidays that combine relaxation with love. You are also likely to have new acquaintances, with people aliens or multiplexers.

 23 Okt. 2022 Transit Venus from 10t house

In the period that follows, your business issues are favored. Your partnerships become more harmonious, and your relationship with superior people in the hierarchy or superior social class helps you to evolve. You may have a special favor from a high-ranking person, which will be very useful to you. As some barriers are loosened, you may be creating a sexual bond with a senior person in the hierarchy, or older, who will play the role of the teacher in you. Unless such a link is established, it is very likely that the acquaintances are worthwhile.

23 Okt. 2022 Transit Sun from 10t house

In the next time you take care of the image you present to the people around you, do your self-criticism, correct your possible mistakes and take care of your career. The professional sector will be the most favored in this period. You may be entrusted with important tasks, but these must be handled seriously. Weigh your strengths and pay the necessary attention if you want to have success.

16 Nov. 2022 Transit Venus from 11t house

The next few days are the most suitable to be celebrating in your whole or circle, as the ones around you will see you with a more friendly eye. Now you will tighten your relationships, become your most social appearances, partying or going out. Your permanent relationship gets a better color, as your partner becomes more prominent, and perhaps a new relationship is created between your friendly environment.

22 Nov. 2022 Transit Sun from 11t house

In the following period, you will turn more towards your friends and the people of your environment. You realize the importance of collaboration and fellowship, and in this light all your efforts will be made, both in the professional and personal spheres. You can broaden the circle of friends and become established among them to spread your ideas, which will now be more acceptable. Especially if you are the leader of a group, if you are dealing with politics or trade unionism, you will now have the greatest recognition in this field.

10 Dec. 2022 Transit Venus from 12t house

The next time will be characterized by the willingness to offer your love to your loved ones or to the whole in general, through charitable organizations. Your sentimental life will also be characterized by the offer of a companion, which may not be worth it. Finally, it is no strange to have some hidden love affair, but it may disappoint you later.

21 Dec. 2022 Transit Sun from 12t house

In the following time, you will seek to improve your mental world on the one hand, and on the other hand some things from your subconscious tend to come to the surface. Maybe you are turning to study and engaging in metaphysical research or studies, you may feel attracted to some memories of the subconscious in emotional or psychological conflicts. However, now is the time to ripen what you have within you, to revise your stance and to delimit the present from the past and make a fresh start to progress and evolution. ***


Happy New Year!

Alinda Kanaki



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